Shin Assistant


Hiện tại chính sách của Open AI có một số sự thay đổi, điều này khiến cho việc sử dụng Shin Assistant của người dùng có nhiều hạn chế hơn trước. Mình sẽ cập nhật lại hệ thống và có thể sẽ ngừng chạy Shin Assistant trong thời gian sắp tới. Đi đôi với việc này là mình sẽ chia sẻ 1 số công cụ AI khác với nhiều tính năng hơn, ngoài ra còn có các dịch vụ và công cụ khác hay ho hơn nữa và hầu hết đều là miễn phí, tất cả sẽ có ở bản cập nhật tới.

Shin Assistant is your smart companion designed to assist with a variety of text and language-related tasks. Harness the power of AI to create captivating content, summarize information, classify content, uncover valuable data, translate into multiple languages, and much more. Experience ease and versatility with Shin Assistant as it effectively supports your work using advanced AI technology.

Although English is the preferred language for optimal results, Shin Assistant can still accommodate requests in other languages.


Ask me factual questions for accurate answers. However, please note that I may not be able to provide responses for meaningless, deceptive, or ambiguous inquiries.a


Text completion
Complete sentences or paragraphs with relevant content.

Language translation
Translate text from one language to another.

Writing assistance
Assist in writing by suggesting phrases or correcting grammar.

Answering questions
Provide answers to factual questions with a high degree of accuracy.

Text summarization
Summarize long texts into shorter, more concise versions.

Sentiment analysis
Analyze the sentiment of a piece of text, whether it is positive, negative, or neutral.

Content generation
Create new content based on existing text or prompts.

Personalize content based on the user's preferences or history.

Language modeling
Analyze and model the structure of language to improve performance.

Text classification
Classify text into different categories or topics.

Question-answering systems
Build question-answering systems for various domains.

Data analysis
Analyze data sets and provide insights.

Recommender systems
Build recommender systems to suggest products, content, or services.

Predictive modeling
Build models to predict outcomes based on data.

Information extraction
Extract relevant information from unstructured text data.

Natural language understanding
Understand and interpret natural language text in a way that is similar to human understanding.

The features we have mentioned here only show a small part of what Shin Assistant can do. It can help you with difficult language problems and open up opportunities for new discoveries. By using Shin Assistant, you can make your life easier and work more efficiently. It's like having a strong ally who can help you overcome any obstacle and take your goals to the next level.

How far is it from Earth to the Moon?
Correct this sentence to proper English: "I go maket and buy orange juit."
Please write this sentence in Japanese: "Is there any flight departing from Tokyo to Korea tonight?"
What are 10 things I need to know when studying business?